
cat-on-puzzleWhy Should We Share Memories?

Not only are we finite, but each perspective is unique!  I’ve outlined seven reasons why saving and sharing memories is important…. Do you have more?

1.     Put Names and Stories with Old Family Photos

Preserving old photographs and early home movie footage allows us to visualize the past and get to know family members that we’d otherwise never get to meet.  Most older photographs were, considered an investment of time and money and were reserved for special events and locations. Reviewing the names and dates that go with your family photos can help piece together a broader family or business history.


2.     Share Wisdom & Lessons You’ve Learned

What were the things that influenced the decisions in your life or business?  Future generations will learn a lot from knowing how things came about and why.


3.   Celebrate Pride & Gratitude |Honor Deeds |Leave a Legacy for Future Generations

Honoring the deeds of important people in your life is another aspect of legacy writing.  Your thoughts and perspectives can be documented in ethical wills, legacy letters, and memoir books. Audio and video recordings are also ways to share the stories about what was important to you.



4.   Connect Generations |Bring Life to the Family Tree

When you tell the stories behind the people in your ancestry, future generations are better able to understand the circumstances, character, and personalities of those that came before them.


5.    Bear Witness to Events that Affected Many |Tell Your Side of the Story

Sometimes there is a hidden side to an event or story that can be uncovered. Opening a wider perspective can create understanding and respect of what happened in the past.


6.    Contribute to History |Give Back to the Community

Your story is unique and valuable as part of the community in which you live or come from.   Many historical societies and community organizations are looking for personal histories to fill their archives.


7.     Gain Insight into Forces That Shaped Your Life | Find  Direction for the Rest of Your Life

Documenting how life’s struggles were overcome can be cathartic. Gaining these insights can be healing to both individuals and families.

